State v. KA
Gross Misdemeanor DWI
All charges dismissed

K.A. was charged with Gross Misdemeanor DWI in Hennepin County. He had prior DWIs so the charges were very serious. The police officer found K.A. standing next to the vehicle and immediately assumed he was the driver. K.A. was adamant he was not the driver. The officer never found the keys to the vehicle and there were no eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen K.A. behind the wheel.
K.A. made the courageous decision to take his case to trial. It can be hard for people to stick it out when prosecutors threaten to seek jail time and other serious penalties as they did here. In this case, K.A.’s courage paid off. On the day of trial, the prosecutor tried to bring new undisclosed evidence. Upon our objection the Court refused to allow the evidence in or grant a continuance. The prosecutor was forced to drop all charges against K.A.!